Post by Z6138 on Apr 8, 2014 2:28:04 GMT
General rules of polite conversation apply.
Play nice, be polite, cite your sources, don't attack someone for having a different opinion than yours.
1. Members are responsible for knowing the rules of the forum.
Claiming ignorance to the rules, and regulations will not free you from a warning or ban.
2. Be nice. Don't comment with the intent of hurting another user.
You may not flame another user because of their beliefs, training methods, or anything else. If you have an issue with another user, and are unable to settle it in private please contact a moderator or administrator.
3. Please do not use excessive abbreviations, net-speak, or caps.
Please spell out your words. For example: say 'your' instead of 'ur', and say 'to' instead of '2'. Not all members of this forum speak english as a first language, and english as a language is hard enough to translate with slang etc as is. Please spell out your words.
Furthermore, please do not type in all caps, or in alternating caps, or use excessive exclamation points/question marks. (e.g. DON'T TYPE LIKE THIS oR LiKe ThIs!!!!111!!??//)
4. Title your threads appropriately, so we know what they're about without going into the thread.
If you need advice or have a question, don't just type "Help" as the thread title. Try, "Help with post editing" or "Help with finding previous owners".
5. Do not flood or spam the forums.
Do not post repetitive topics. Do not post multiple times back to back. If you would like to add something to your post that you have forgotten, or as an after thought - there is an edit button on your post. Find it, use it, love it.
6. Respect your fellow members.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
If someone posts about jumping 3 feet for the first time, and you don't like jumping, then ignore the post. On the other hand, if someone posts a thread saying that their training method is the best, you do have the right to respectfully disagree with them in a kind, non attacking way.
If you suspect that someone is either a troll or lying, contact a moderator or administrator.
7. Rules for Critique
Under no circumstances may a picture/video be posted for the purpose of ridiculing or mocking the horse, rider or both. Any rude or superfluous posts will be removed and the posting member may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including a permanent ban.
Posting pictures/videos for examples in educational situations is permitted. But be mindful that it remains educational and not demeaning.
8. Do not ask for 'free' money or hand outs.
If you need money offer something in return such as Artwork, Tack, or other various items for sale. Do not ask for free money. Do not ask for Donations for someone else. Posts asking for help in coming up with ideas to make quick money or for fundraisers are permitted. "Please give me money." is not permitted.
9. Don't make things up.
While we're fond of daydreaming, and the discussion of possibilities, the horse forum is not a place for making things up and passing them off as the truth. If it becomes evident that a member has been making things up, and a determination is made that other members' time and energy has been wasted as a result, that member's access may be restricted. Similarly, if there is reason to believe that two members are the same person, one or both members may have their access restricted.
10. No cyberbullying.
This includes but is not limited to the tormenting, threatening, harassing, humiliating, embarrassing or otherwise targeting of any person of any age. Classification is subject to moderator interpretation.
11. Discussion of Rules, Policies, and Decisions.
Discussions of Moderator decisions or the Standardbred Network Forum rules in open forums is prohibited. If you have concerns please contact the moderators or administrator.
12. Membership Policy
One account per person. Pick a username you can live with.
Multiple accounts and usernames can make it hard to keep track of who is who.
Each user will receive one warning before a ban is put in place.
What if I see something offensive or that contradicts one of the above rules?
You will find a 'Report Post' link on each post. It's located on the top right hand corner of the post in the pull down menu marked by the gray gear.
These links allow you to alert the board staff to anything which you find to be offensive, objectionable or illegal.
For a basic guide on how this Forum works please take a look at:
Play nice, be polite, cite your sources, don't attack someone for having a different opinion than yours.
1. Members are responsible for knowing the rules of the forum.
Claiming ignorance to the rules, and regulations will not free you from a warning or ban.
2. Be nice. Don't comment with the intent of hurting another user.
You may not flame another user because of their beliefs, training methods, or anything else. If you have an issue with another user, and are unable to settle it in private please contact a moderator or administrator.
3. Please do not use excessive abbreviations, net-speak, or caps.
Please spell out your words. For example: say 'your' instead of 'ur', and say 'to' instead of '2'. Not all members of this forum speak english as a first language, and english as a language is hard enough to translate with slang etc as is. Please spell out your words.
Furthermore, please do not type in all caps, or in alternating caps, or use excessive exclamation points/question marks. (e.g. DON'T TYPE LIKE THIS oR LiKe ThIs!!!!111!!??//)
4. Title your threads appropriately, so we know what they're about without going into the thread.
If you need advice or have a question, don't just type "Help" as the thread title. Try, "Help with post editing" or "Help with finding previous owners".
5. Do not flood or spam the forums.
Do not post repetitive topics. Do not post multiple times back to back. If you would like to add something to your post that you have forgotten, or as an after thought - there is an edit button on your post. Find it, use it, love it.
6. Respect your fellow members.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
If someone posts about jumping 3 feet for the first time, and you don't like jumping, then ignore the post. On the other hand, if someone posts a thread saying that their training method is the best, you do have the right to respectfully disagree with them in a kind, non attacking way.
If you suspect that someone is either a troll or lying, contact a moderator or administrator.
7. Rules for Critique
Under no circumstances may a picture/video be posted for the purpose of ridiculing or mocking the horse, rider or both. Any rude or superfluous posts will be removed and the posting member may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including a permanent ban.
Posting pictures/videos for examples in educational situations is permitted. But be mindful that it remains educational and not demeaning.
8. Do not ask for 'free' money or hand outs.
If you need money offer something in return such as Artwork, Tack, or other various items for sale. Do not ask for free money. Do not ask for Donations for someone else. Posts asking for help in coming up with ideas to make quick money or for fundraisers are permitted. "Please give me money." is not permitted.
9. Don't make things up.
While we're fond of daydreaming, and the discussion of possibilities, the horse forum is not a place for making things up and passing them off as the truth. If it becomes evident that a member has been making things up, and a determination is made that other members' time and energy has been wasted as a result, that member's access may be restricted. Similarly, if there is reason to believe that two members are the same person, one or both members may have their access restricted.
10. No cyberbullying.
This includes but is not limited to the tormenting, threatening, harassing, humiliating, embarrassing or otherwise targeting of any person of any age. Classification is subject to moderator interpretation.
11. Discussion of Rules, Policies, and Decisions.
Discussions of Moderator decisions or the Standardbred Network Forum rules in open forums is prohibited. If you have concerns please contact the moderators or administrator.
12. Membership Policy
One account per person. Pick a username you can live with.
Multiple accounts and usernames can make it hard to keep track of who is who.
Each user will receive one warning before a ban is put in place.
What if I see something offensive or that contradicts one of the above rules?
You will find a 'Report Post' link on each post. It's located on the top right hand corner of the post in the pull down menu marked by the gray gear.
These links allow you to alert the board staff to anything which you find to be offensive, objectionable or illegal.
For a basic guide on how this Forum works please take a look at: